Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finally at last, I reveal where I am...

It looks like no one was able to work it out?

I am at the entrance of the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza Egypt -

The interior of the pyramid can also be seen, but the visit is fatiguing (lack of fresh air) and not particularly rewarding. The entrance is by a passage on the north side which was cut by tomb-robbers some 50ft/15m below the original entrance. This narrow tunnel leads into the Grand Gallery, a long passage (28ft/8.5m high, 37.5ft/12.25m wide, 154ft/47m long), a marvel of skillful masonry, beyond which is the tomb chamber (19ft/5.75m high, 34ft/10.50m long, 17ft/5.25m wide), containing the open, empty granite sarcophagus. The mummy has not been found.

This tunnel is only about 1.5 metres square and has walking traffic going both up and down at the same time!! The day we visited it was over 40 degrees
Celsius by 9.30am and by the time we made it down the tunnel inside the Pyramid, is was over 50 degrees Celsius. Amazing tour, but oh so hot.

NOW for this weeks photo...

I stood in the rain to 3 hours waiting to get to this place...
I was determined I was going to see this view

I hope you all have a try at guessing this weeks photo...
I will give a hint and say that it is in a city known for it's romance...good luck and cheers from Julie


Lurline said...

Ooooh, I think I can get this one - the Space Needle in Seatlle - or maybe I guess a lot of cities have views like this - hope I'm right!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Lurline said...

Oh, a city of romance - I guess it must be Paris - haven't been there!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Laroc Originals said...

Well I have not been there but I think it is the Eifel Tower in Paris.

Zlaty said...

That is a fun game Julie!
Good luck to everyone! I think it's the Eiffel tower in Paris! I hope I will go some day to see it! :)

Zlaty said...

I have nominated you for an award. Please come over for details.