Friday, January 02, 2009

Jenna tagged me...I'm it

My friend Jenna over at Quilt Crazy Gal tagged me:)
Sew much fun to be "it"!

Here are the rules to play the game:

1. When you are tagged you are asked to list eight random facts about yourself and post them on your blog for visitors to enjoy. This is gonna be fun!

2. Tag eight of your blogging friends and leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to join in the fun if they have the opportunity. (If not, that's okay. They can still enjoy the random facts everyone shares:) Be sure to list a link to your eight friends in your posting.

Now for my 8 facts
  • I only started making quilts in 2006 and in that year made 5 complete quilts
  • I love to make quilts for charity and have made or completed over 100 so far
  • I am left handed, so the whole world seems back-to-front to me, especially in quilting terms
  • I am on my 10Th and final new years resolution far so good
  • I am allergic to all shell fish but LOVE to eat prawns (shrimp) then pay for it health wise over a 24 hour period
  • I can drive a truck and trailer with 22 wheels
  • I have five kids and 4 grand kids, all who live within 10 miles of me
  • 2009 is going to be MY year, it will be the first year in 30 years that I actually plan to do what I want to do and not what others want or expect me to do.
Here's my list of're it!
Check out their blogs! They give me inspiration!

  1. Christine from Once Upon A Quilt
  2. Jackie from Jackie's Stitches
  3. Lee-Anne from Carpetmice
  4. Lisa from Fibre Inspirations
  5. Kate from Kate Quilts
  6. Lesley from Blue Lilly Quilting
  7. Kerry from Forever Friday
  8. Jenny from Postcards from Cairo
This is a wonderful idea, so we can all visit new and exciting blogs to look and learn so much more from the quilting world of fun fun fun, cheers from Julie


JennaLouiseCreates said...

Julie...thanks for playing! Wow you have an array of talents and I'm proud of you for taking care of you in 2009, yeah! It's great to learn more about my blogging friends. Jenna Louise

Jackie's Stitches said...

Thank you for tagging me! I posted on my blog yesterday about it!

I LOVE that 2009 is going to be your year! I look forward to "seeing" what is in store for you!